Sunday, February 14, 2010

How to Make Money and Traffic Online from Charity Campaign

Hi Colleagues,

This time i would like to share another technique on how to EARN MONEY and TRAFFIC for your online and offline business. What the technique?..."CHARITY CAMPAIGN". yes...Charity Campaign. this also one of Cross advertising technique.(CAT)

JOIN US TO SAVED OUR EARTH, GREEN CAMPAIGN, COMPUTER RECYCLING CAMPAIGN, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE...did you ever seen or heard campaign slogan like this? Most successful company use charity campaign to raise their image, popularity and so on to their targeting customers and also to recognized their potential customers.

Actually, the idea of Charity Campaign raised from "Marker ting Society Concept",

what is MOC?( will explain in next article). back to CC..short form for Charity Campaign. The trick here was the campaign itseft..2 in 1 technique. as mentioned above..FIRST is for charity...SECOND is for IMAGE, POPULARITY, TRAFFIC, INCOME.
How to make campaign like this? How this kind of campaign can give traffic for my site/blog?

let say we take Computer Recycle Campaign..what in your mind? what the actual product you need to sell related to this campaign? Computer, Refurbished Computer, Cleaning service, Consultant...i hope you get my point. The campaign will be like this...Recycle your unwanted, obsolete, faulty computer to save our earth..Four party involve. First is you or your company, second is the company who will buy the collection items, third is welfare centre, NGO, or orphanage..fourth is contributor or public.

buzz your campaign thru email, put in your blogs/websites, submit to forums...believe me..if you say about charity...people, society, public will give you full support. you will see your traffic will rapidly raise...use your creativity to highlight your campaign. Give your try...and wish your success.

*Note: Admin Payment Pay pal
This article are based on author personal knowledge and experienced. feel free to copy and post this article in your blog/website for knowledge sharing. Make sure give credit or back link to
Warm Regards,



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