Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sell Your StocK Photo, Illustrator, Flash, Art For Cash

iStockphoto.com started in April 2000 as a free stock photo exchange site. By 2001, we had the crazy idea to start selling our library of stock images for prices anyone could afford. Anyone can apply to become an artist on iStockphoto.
Start to sell stock where you’ll have to read through a training manual, pass a quiz and then upload some samples of your art. You will also have to upload one piece of government issued identification in the form of a JPEG. We require this to confirm who you are and that you’re of legal age. Your art will be reviewed by our inspection team and we’ll contact you with the status of your application via e-mail.

Step To Sell Stock at istock

1.Join us
You must be an iStock member before you can begin to contribute. Don't worry, it's free.

2.Apply to be a contributor
Click the "Apply" button for the file type you want to contribute and start reading the manual. Once you've learned the ropes, you just have to take a quick quiz.

3.Submit 3 samples of your art
After you pass the quiz, you will be asked to submit three original samples of art. Keep that manual bookmarked - we want to see your very best work.

What does iStock pay?
iStock pays contributors a base royalty rate of 20% for each file downloaded. If you are an Exclusive contributor you can earn up to 40%.

To Sign Up:


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